Essay in The Rumpus’s This Week in Essays

I was scrolling the internet today and came across The Rumpus‘s “This Week in Essays” column for December 22nd. I noticed an essay listed by one of the women I most admire, Gina Frangello, author of Blow Your House Down: A Story of Family, Feminism, and Treason. so I clicked through and read the essay, “When Illness is a Metaphor.”

Then I continued scrolling and saw some familiar words at the bottom of the page. It took my brain a few seconds to make sense of it–why do these words seem familiar?–but I gradually realized the words were my own. My essay “Growing an Avocado Tree from Seed” had been included in The Rumpus‘s “This Week in Essays” column! In the same list with Gina Frangello! I’m not sure which part is most exciting.

I’ve never had anything I wrote included in a list like this before, and to have it included in a list curated by The Rumpus is a dream come true. I’m thrilled and so honored to think that someone at The Rumpus read my essay and decided it was worthy of inclusion in this list. (Alongside Gina Frangello!)