I Started a Newsletter

Hi everyone!

I started my writing blog The Write Stuff over at my book coaching website a little over 18 months ago, and now I’ve started a little newsletter for readers and writers. You can subscribe and have it delivered to your email inbox every other Thursday morning.

Conventional wisdom tells me newsletters are dead, but my email inbox tells me differently. I can’t keep up with reading all the newsletters I love! So I’m mindful that you may be in the same boat–I promise to be respectful of my readers’ time and not to waste it.

In creating my newsletter, I kept in mind Jane Friedman’s words (“It’s not a miracle, it’s a newsletter”) and her advice to write the newsletter I’d like to read. My absolutely favorite newsletter to read is Elizabeth McCracken’s Release the McCracken–it’s mostly made up of sometimes funny, sometimes moving, but always brief reports on her early morning swims at Barton Springs.

So my newsletter is a simple one. My plan is that each issue will include a brief update, snippets of news and publishing opportunities, and curated reading recommendations, writing tips, humor, motivation, and encouragement.

Basically, I’m reading the internet so you don’t have to! 🙂

I hope you’ll subscribe to my newsletter and join me on my journey as a reader, writer, and book coach.

Much love,
