New Story in The Amber Waves of Autumn: “The Art of Oblivion”

I have a story in print again!

My short story “The Art of Oblivion” is in a hardcover beach noir anthology, The Amber Waves of Autumn. It’s currently available in hardcover and will eventually be available in paperback.

The most exciting thing about this publication for me is the other authors who are in the anthology with me: Joyce Carol Oates and Lawrence Block, for example, along with many others. It’s an honor to have my work included alongside theirs.

I think I say this every time, but this story is special to me. I guess each story is special to its writer, right? This one took a lot of revision and was kind of flat, to be honest, until hearing someone on the news talking about making America great again made me think about the fact that the good old days weren’t always so good. They weren’t so good for women, for people of color, or for my mom, who contracted the polio virus before there was a vaccine.

Thinking about that made me realize what was wrong with my protagonist–she was idealizing the past, and it was destroying her life and her daughter’s life in the present.

I hope you enjoy it.