New Story in The Coachella Review: “The Big South”

My short story “The Big South” was published this morning in The Coachella Review. This story is from the novel-in-linked-stories I’m currently querying. It was inspired by the work of organizations like the Ventana Wildlife Society to bring the California condor back from the brink of extinction.

Arguably, these birds are perhaps the least beautiful birds on Earth. But the more I’ve learned about them, the more I’ve fallen in love with them. You’ll learn about some of the reasons they’ve stolen my heart as you read my story. You can learn a little more about them over on my Substack, Leanne by the Sea. And if you’re as intrigued as I was by their story, you can continue to learn about the California condor and the ongoing fight to save them from extinction through the Ventana Wildlife Society.

Image credit: Gavin Emmons for the National Park Service