
My name is Leanne. I’m a writer, a book coach certified in both fiction and memoir, and a professional editor. I am currently pursuing my coaching certification in nonfiction.

Photograph by Trey Burnette

I help writers plan and outline their books, write their books, and revise their books. I also offer manuscript evaluations, pitch services (query letter, synopsis, agent research, and pitch plan), and editing services (developmental, line, and copyediting).

I especially enjoy working with memoir, nonfiction, and literary, upmarket, book club, women’s, and young adult fiction. With respect to genre fiction, I’m particularly interested in historical fiction, science fiction, and  thrillers.

Book a free 20-minute introductory call.

You can learn more about me and my background by reading my résumé and reading testimonials from some of the writers who’ve worked with me below.


Here is my educational and work experience related to writing, book coaching, and editing:


  • Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing and Writing for the Performing Arts (fiction, with cross-work in creative nonfiction), University of California at Riverside, Palm Desert.
  • Bachelor of Arts degree in English, with an emphasis in creative writing and a minor in history, from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California.
  • Associate of Science degree in Paralegalism (ABA-approved program), College of the Sequoias, Visalia, California.
  • Associate of Arts degree in Liberal Studies, Hartnell College, Salinas, California.
  • Copyediting Certificate, University of California at San Diego Extension
  • Book Coaching Certification through Author Accelerator. Certified in both fiction and memoir. Currently pursuing certification in nonfiction.
  • Continuing Education: Leanne continues her writing, book coaching, editing, and legal education by attending UC Riverside Palm Desert residency lectures and learning opportunities as an alum; by enrolling in various online lectures, courses, and workshops; by taking ABA-approved CLE courses in the law; by taking editing courses through the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA) and ACES: The Society for Editing; and by completing writing masterclasses with writers like Neil Gaiman, Joyce Carol Oates, Judy Blume, Walter Mosley, and Harlan Coben.


  • Fiction Editor at Kelp Journal (2021 to 2024)
  • Books Editor at GXRL (2021 to 2023)
  • Multimedia Editor, Books Editor, and Lead Copyeditor for The Coachella Review (2019-2021)
  • Fiction and Poetry Editor for Byzantium (2017-2018)
  • 35+ years as a paralegal, with experience in civil litigation, criminal law, family law, municipal law, employment law, contracts, and business law.
  • Planning Team, Bombay Beach Lit Fest 2023.
  • President of SLO NightWriters. Previously served on the Board of Directors in various capacities, including as Membership Director and Secretary.
  • Voting member of the Central Coast Paralegal Association. Previously served on the Board of Directors in various capacities, including Vice President, Secretary, Program Director, and Webmaster.
  • California Certified Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Crisis Counselor, previously serving in a volunteer capacity for Lumina Alliance (formerly RISE).
  • Volunteer at the North County Women’s Shelter’s Temporary Restraining Order Clinic, preparing TRO applications and declarations.
  • Volunteer at the San Luis Obispo International Film Festival.

Professional Affiliations

  • Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach (fiction and memoir)
  • ACES: The Society for Editing
  • AWP (Association of Writers & Writing Programs)
  • Central Coast Paralegal Association
  • EFA (Editorial Freelancers Association)
  • National Book Critics Circle
  • SD/PEN (San Diego Professional Editors Network)
  • SLO NightWriters

Style & Usage Guides include:

  • The Associated Press Stylebook (AP style; journalism)
  • BuzzFeed Style Guide (internet and social media)
  • The Chicago Manual of Style (prose editing, published works)
  • California Style Manual (legal editing)
  • Garner’s Modern English Usage
  • MLA Style Manual (language arts, cultural studies, humanities)


Here is what some of the people who’ve worked with me have to say:

“Leanne read my manuscript with a level of thoroughness, attention to detail, and objectivity which took the story to a new level. She offered clear comments on how to encourage the reader to get inside the skin of each character, quicken the plot by replacing dry informational passages with engaging dialogue, and craft smoother transitions between paragraphs and chapters. Her input significantly improved both the larger story arc as well as the individual building blocks that keep the reader wanting to turn the page. I would happily recommend her editing services to aspiring writers.”  —Jim Ormond, author (Jim’s debut novel, The Hudson Valley Corvette Club, is coming in January 2025 from Boroughs Publishing Group)

“Leanne Phillips is an insightful, professional-grade editor who helped my client hone a smart, stylish literary thriller with resonant characters that ‘reads quick.’ I would recommend her editing services for any author who aspires to get the best out of themselves.” —John Talbot, literary agent, The Talbot Fortune Agency

“Thank you for making [“Stay Pony Goldboy“] what it is. All my stories got better after working with you—I cannot stress this enough.” —Toni Kochensparger, author

“When I finally scored a literary agent, I thought the hard work was over–then came the notes that required me to scrub more than a third of my manuscript. Great notes, but it felt like I was starting all over again. Leanne was there to help me breathe new life into the next draft, jumping in with the most thorough story and character analysis I’ve ever had and a copyedit pass that put it all together. Without Leanne, I may have still finished the new draft, but it wouldn’t have been nearly as good, and it definitely wouldn’t have been ready for the market. Writing is a solitary pursuit, but you don’t have to do it all alone!”  —Matt Ellis, author and photographer